Google Ads Search Certification
Boats and ships
Boat adventure
Travel on a paddle ship
A green boat paddle
Rowboat paddlingGet full Google Ads Search Certification Answers
Google Ads Search Certification
Affinity Audience
In-Market Audience
Detailed Demographics
Similar Audiences for SearchGet full Google Ads Search Certification Answers
Google Ads Search Certification
The score will decrease upon accepting the recommendation.
The score might increase or decrease depending on the recommendation.
The score will dynamically improve...
Google Ads Search Certification
A mention of prices, promotions, and exclusive offers
Encouraging potential customers to take action
More landing pages to visit
A variety of emoji...
Google Ads Search Certification
It’s a metric that scores the quality of traffic that clicks on your ads
It’s an estimate of the quality of your ads,...
Google Ads Search Certification
A video can present a summary of her products to people showing an interest in her business.
She has the option to show...