Google Ads Search Certification

Rina notices that her ad’s average cost per click (CPC) is significantly higher than the industry benchmark. But she’s not seeing improvements in her...

Match the bid to an industry benchmark. Improve the ad’s quality score. Decrease the number of ad groups. Increase the number of ad...

Reggie manages the online marketing campaigns for a vitamin and supplement store. He launched a Google Search campaign and chose website traffic as his...

More followers on the store’s social media presence. Getting more customers to learn about his products. More online sales through Reggie’s online store. ...

Rebecca is a marketing executive at an airline company. She has been asked to plan her company’s online advertising budget on a monthly basis....

 Performance Planner leverages machine learning for forecasting.  Performance Planner forecasting is powered by billions of Google searches conducted each week. Performance Planner integrates...

Rashid wants to raise awareness of his brand and build campaigns focused on branded terms. He doesn’t have much time to devote to daily...

Maximize conversions Target impression share Target return on ad spend (tROAS) Enhanced cost-per-click (eCPC)Get full Google Ads Search Certification Answers

Priya only has $500 a month to spend on her campaign, but she needs to drive as many potential customers as possible to her...

Target impression share Enhanced cost-per-click (eCPC) Maximize clicks Target return on ad spend (tROAS)Get full Google Ads Search Certification Answers

Pete is the marketing director for an electric car company. He recently chose “leads” as his Google Search campaign marketing goal. What did he...

Encourage customers to purchase electric cars. Have more people view his website. Promote videos that speak to the business mission. Increase e-mail list...

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