Google Ads Search Certification
The campaign is performing better than 75% of all search campaigns.
The campaign score has 75% headroom to improve.
The campaign is performing...
Google Ads Search Certification
Learning granular insights regarding her search network performance
Receiving automatically-generated keyword and ad content suggestions
Delivering a customized message to the right user at the...
Google Ads Search Certification
By choosing “leads” as the campaign goal.
By creating a new ad group for the sale.
By adding coupon alerts to people nearby...
Google Ads Search Certification
Easily prioritize across the different optimization opportunities
Receive tailor-made auction insights
Receive information on general trends
Receive daily updates on average positionGet full...
Google Ads Search Certification
Maximize clicks
Target impression share
Target return on ad spend (tROAS)
Target cost-per-acquisition (tCPA)Get full Google Ads Search Certification Answers
Google Ads Search Certification
The quality of the ad will ensure the ad’s cost-per-click will be reduced by at least 40%.
The higher expected click-through rate will lead to a higher...